Trinity Medical Centre

1 Goldstone Villas, Hove, BN3 3AT

Telephone: 01273 736030

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Self Care & Self Refer

Self Care – (information and links to helpful fact sheets)

Safety- netting documents for parents:​


To enable us to give the best possible care to those with significant complex need, please have a read of this helpful leaflet: HELP MY GP

Many conditions can also be dealt with without seeing a doctor or needing an appointment.


Your local pharmacist can provide advice as well as treatments for minor ailments. These include:

  1. Mild acne             10.Coughs/colds
  2. Sore throats         11. Flu
  3. Cystitis                 12. Medication reviews
  4. Rashes                13. Mild eczema/dermatitis
  5. Earache               14. Emergency contraception
  6. Diarrhoea            15. Eye symptoms
  7. Hay fever             16. Haemorrhoids
  8. Scabies                17. Worms
  9. Warts & verrucas

And many more


Did you know that £2 billion per year of NHS money is spent with people coming to their surgery with minor ailments and 18% of GP consultations are for minor ailments that do not need to be seen by the GP? There is a lot more self help and advice at NHS Choices

We have a variety of helpful self Care information and links which could help you to treat your illness without the need for an appointment:

·  Self Care Fact Sheets

·  NHS Symptom Checker

Use the online NHS Choices Symptom Checker tool to check your symptoms and get advice on what to do next. It’s faster than phoning and a nurse can call you back for free if required. Click on the name above to be taken directly to the symptom checker.

·  NHS Live Well Advice, tips and tools to help you make the best choices about your health and well being.

Make the right choice for your child

Make the right choice for your child « Trinity Medical Centre (

Self refer – (services available for self referral)

New Alzheimer’s Society Service:

Dementia Connect, from Alzheimer’s Society, is a new personalised dementia support service for anyone affected by dementia. It connects you with a whole range of dementia support, by phone, online and face to face. So, you’re one call away from someone who gets it. One click away from answers. One conversation away from help.
It’s free, easy to access, and puts you in touch with a dementia advisers. They will connect you to the support you need, from local help to phone and online advice.

To self refer please follow this link

Alternatively you can contact by phone on 0333 150 3456 they are open Monday – Wednesday 9am – 8pm, Thursday – Friday 9am – 5pm and Saturday – Sunday 10am – 4pm, you can also visit their website for online support as well as emailing them on

Patient Information leaflet for The Connection Works Project

Healing through Connection 

The Trauma program is a 12-month project jointly run by BHWC, Trinity Medical Centre and Charter Medical Centre, funded by the local PCN. This project offers an innovative holistic approach to healing people who may have experienced significant stressors, difficult life events and/ or significant psychological trauma.  People joining this program may also experience different physical symptoms that are under-recognized and not managed well.

Please click here for more information:> Patient Info Leaflet

Problems with Sleep follow this link Onboarding Sleep Test – Sleepio

There are many health and wellbeing services you can go to in Brighton and Hove without needing to see your GP first for a referral:

Brighton & Hove Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) website:

Award Winning Weight Loss and Behaviour Change programmes ( Programmes designed to make you and your family make small changes Which Make a Big Difference and help keep you healthy

PHYSIOTHERAPY. You can also now refer yourself directly to physiotherapy. Please look at this website with several useful resources physiotherapy exercise sheets as well as how to refer yourself for treatment Physiotherapy Self Referral  – NEW Brighton and Hove Physiotherapy Self-Referral Form




If you are taking the opportunity to self-refer to one of these services, but you would still prefer to continue to request an appointment with a GP or nurse, our receptionists will be able to accommodate this as normal. For more information to these services go to this website:

If you are pregnant and experiencing back or hip pain you can now self refer to Physio via –


Community Navigators are trained volunteers with previous experience of supporting people.

They work with a person to help them identify and access the right local groups and services. Navigators facilitate onward referrals by making arrangements on the person’s behalf as needed, filling in forms, making appointments and following up. Around half the people we support are aged over 65 and many are experiencing social isolation or anxieties about their medical conditions or wellbeing in general. Community Navigation is a proven method of helping people improve their wellbeing and access the services and groups they want and need.

Contact Community navigators if you are feeling:

  • Isolation and loneliness
  • Anxiety, stress and depression
  • Housing, money and benefits issues
  • Work and unemployment
  • Lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise and weight loss
  • Language and cultural barriers

For more information on how to contact someone read this leaflet: Community-Navigation-leaflet-2018-web  or go to:

Referral enquiry

  • Brighton Referral Management Service (“Optum”)Freephone: 0800 031 6639Local number: 020 3824 2001 
  • BSUH Booking Hub for all referrals to RSCH/PRH – 0300 303 8360
  • MSK partnership  for Orthopaedics/Rheumatology/Physiotherapy – 0300 303 8063
  • Podiatry (SCFT foot health) service for nail issues/ corns or calluses/ gout/simple toe deformities – 01273 242184
  • Brighton and Hove Wellbeing Service – 0300 002 0060

If you have any problems please ask to speak to the Medical Secretary.