Trinity Medical Centre

1 Goldstone Villas, Hove, BN3 3AT

Telephone: 01273 736030

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Please be aware that our online consultation service will be TURNED OFF from 19/12/24 @12pm - 30/12/24 due to the Christmas Holidays. Please click HERE for Latest News and Charity Events Click here for more on - Flu and COVID Vaccines 2024

Learning Disabilities

Patients with a learning disability aged 14 and older are offered an Annual Health Check appointment once a year here at the Practice.

The Practice will telephone you to make this appointment. We will send you all of the details in a letter. It will be longer than your other appointments at the Practice.

The appointment will be with a Practice Nurse. You don’t need to be ill to get the Health Check. The Practice Nurse will ask some questions about your health and will do some checks like blood pressure.

The Practice Nurse will also write a health action plan with you.

Your health action plan should tell you what things need to happen to keep you healthy.

You can fill in the getting ready for your annual health check guide before your health check, and bring this with you. It will help you to think about any questions you have. You are welcome to bring a carer, friend or family member to your health check.

Patients with Learning Disabilities are also eligible to receive a flu vaccination annually during Influenza Vaccination Season. This usually starts from October and the Practice will contact you when it is time to book in.

 Getting Ready for Your Health Check

A Step by Step Guide to Annual Health Checks