Trinity Medical Centre

1 Goldstone Villas, Hove, BN3 3AT

Telephone: 01273 736030

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Mental Health Reviews

Everyone living with severe mental illness (SMI) is entitled to an annual physical health check.

A Severe Mental Illness (SMI) includes anyone with a diagnosis of Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder or Psychosis.

The annual physical health check is designed to pick up on early warning signs of cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, diabetes and hypertension. Annual health checks enable us to take action before these early warning signs become more serious.

The annual physical health check usually takes about 30 to 45 minutes with a Practice Nurse.

It includes six different checks:

  1. Height and weight. Your our height and weight will be measured in order to calculate your BMI
  2. Blood pressure. Your blood pressure will be checked
  3. Blood tests. A blood sample will be taken for two blood tests. One to test the level of glucose in your blood. Glucose is the main type of sugar in your blood. The second blood test is to check your blood lipids, which checks the level of cholesterol in your blood. These blood tests are not fasting- which means you can eat as normal prior to your appointment
  4. Smoking. You will be asked whether you currently smoke and if you would like any support if you are considering stopping smoking
  5. Alcohol. You will be asked whether you drink alcohol, and if so, how much. If you are drinking alcohol regularly and above recommended guidelines or if you are concerned about your drinking, you may be asked if you would like support to reduce your use of alcohol.

The Practice Nurse will also talk about your entitlement to other national screening checks such as bowel cancer screening, diabetic eye tests, cervical screening, breast screening. You can find out more about national health screening checks here- NHS screening – NHS (

You are welcome to bring a carer, friend or family member to your health check.