Trinity Medical Centre

1 Goldstone Villas, Hove, BN3 3AT

Telephone: 01273 736030

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Full Records Access

As of 1st November 2023 as a registered patient you will be able to request prospective access to your full medical records.

The NHS wants to give people better ways to see their personal health information online. We know that people want to be able to access their health records. It can help you see test results faster. It also lets you read and review notes from your appointments in your own time.

If you are over 16 and have an online account, such as through the NHS AppNHS website, or another online primary care service, you will now be able to see all future notes and health records from your doctor (GP).

This means that you will be able to see notes from your appointments, as well as test results and any letters that are saved on your records. This only applies to records from your doctor (GP), not from hospitals or other specialists. Your doctor (GP) may talk to you to discuss test results before you are able to see some of your information on the app. Your doctor (GP) may also talk to you before your full records access is given to make sure that having access is of benefit to you. There might be some sensitive information on your record, so you should talk to your doctor if you have any concerns.

These changes only apply to people with online accounts. If you do not want an online account, you can still access your health records by requesting this information through reception. The changes also only apply to personal information about you. If you are a carer and would like to see information about someone you care for, speak to reception staff.

The NHS App, website and other online services are all very secure, so no one is able to access your information except you. You’ll need to make sure you protect your login details. Don’t share your password with anyone as they will then have access to your personal information.

If you wish to have full access you will need to complete the appropriate form. They can be found below below, once completed please email to the following address

We are not permitted to remove or change information from your records based on difference of opinion unless factually incorrect. We will review and treat each request as an individual request and based on guidance provide full prospective access if proved safe and appropriate to do so.

Over 11’s – Application form for viewing full medical record online (over 11)

Proxy (Under 11’s or anyone who wishes a Parent/Guardian/Care/Family Member to have access) – Application form for viewing full medical record online (Proxy)