24hr National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 08082000247
24hr Men’s Advice Line: 08088010327
Rise – RISE is a domestic abuse charity working in Brighton & Hove and West Sussex. We can help with refuge accommodation, resettlement, crisis appointments, helpline, counselling, housing, legal and financial advice, solicitors appointments, support groups, play therapy, 1-to-1 support and training and preventative education.
Domestic Abuse – Brighton & Hove LGBT Switchboard – Our Domestic Abuse service is for LGBTQ people affected by domestic abuse. We provide support to survivors through our Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs) who are here to support you. We can help you with housing and accessing refuge services, financial issues and benefits, navigating the criminal justice system, and assisting with mental and physical health needs
Support for victims of domestic violence and abuse
Survivors Network: The specialist rape and sexual violence abuse service for Sussex. Call: 01273 203380 Refer online: https://survivorsnetwork.org.uk/get-help/refer-yourself/
Veritas Justice: The specialist stalking advocacy services for Sussex Email: info@veritas-justice.co.uk Call: 01273 234773 Refer online: https://veritas-justice.co.uk/referrals/