Trinity Medical Centre

1 Goldstone Villas, Hove, BN3 3AT

Telephone: 01273 736030

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Contraception Advice


Emergency Contraception:

  • This is available as an emergency service please contact the practice and advise the receptionist so that they can book you an appointment for the same day. If this service is needed over the weekend or on a bank holiday you can purchase it over the counter at a pharmacy or you can seek advice from the local sexual health and contraception service
Practice Services:

We offer a full range of contraceptive services at the practice including coil and implant advice, Fitting and removal.

Please click on the link below for more information about contraceptive choices:

Pill checks:

For routine contraception pill checks this needs to be completed annually with a practice nurse, these appointments consist of a small discussion, blood pressure check and weight check. Please make sure you book appointment in plenty of time before you need a prescription renewal.

Coil and IUCD fittings:

These can be fitted in the surgery by a specially trained nurse or doctor. If you would like more information please let the reception team know so that they can book you an appointment to discuss further.

You can find more information in the link above about the different types of coils available

Coil Check: 

Coil checks are recommended 6 weeks after a new coil is fitted. Please let the reception team know that you wish to book one of these as they are 20 minute appointments

Contraceptive Injections

It is vital that patients book in for their contraceptive injection in plenty of time to ensure that this can be given within the recommended time. These appointments take 10 minutes with a practice nurse

Contraceptive Implants

Contraception implants are one of the most effective forms of contraception and can be fitted here in the surgery by one of our specially trained nurses. Each appointment takes 30 minutes. Please see the link above for more information on contraceptive implants.

Brighton & Hove Sexual Health and Contraception Service (


Useful information regarding STI screening in Brighton and Hove:

  • You can order home testing kits for STI screening online – even HIV and hep B/C. – Negative results you will receive a text/Positive results you will get a call.
  • There is a vending machine for home testing STI kits in Jubilee Library and Wish Park Surgery
  • Asymptomatic patients won’t be seen in clinic, they will be asked to order home kits.
  • Claude Nicol now fit coils and can do repeat issues of the Pill over the phone as appropriate
  • Claude Nicol and Morley Street do once weekly smear clinics, and they also offer on the day appointment where patient will be seen by a doctor or a nurse.