Trinity Medical Centre

1 Goldstone Villas, Hove, BN3 3AT

Telephone: 01273 736030

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Carers Support Services


A carer is anyone, including children and adults who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid. No one size fits all, you can be offering support a few hours a week, or round the clock care, you may be living in the same house with the person you care for, or you maybe be living separately.

Below there is a lot of useful links that contain information that may be of use to you. You will also see the details for the Carers Hub and some activities that you can join.
Carers Hub information: 
The Carers Hub can be contacted on 01273 977000 Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm or
The carers information pack online can be found here:
My Health matters:
The carers activities are here –
Carers can self refer –
What you can do as a family friend carer 
Look after your own health and wellbeing, let people know you are a carer, including your GP and at work, plan for emergencies, ask family and friends for help, take a break, think about the future.
For more information click HERE 
The Young Carers
Young carers are children and young people under 18 years old who help to care for someone in their family.  Most young carers help to care for one of their parents or care for a sibling and help with extra jobs around the home, with their family member would find difficult without their support (01273 746222) Click HERE for more
Other useful services 
Ageing Well Information
Ageing Well Dementia Support
Together Co
Hop 50+ (still registering as temporarily closed)
Dementia connect 

Do you look after someone

Workshop for Parents and Carers
Jointly App – Please click HERE for more information about Jointly.
Care For The Carers – Care for the Carers aims to improve the quality of carers lives by helping the local community recognise and value the role of carers, and by enabling carers to access the services & support they require.
Carers Centre – The Carers Centre helps anyone caring for a partner, relative or friend with an illness or disability. We provide information, activities and services to carers of all ages to help ease their caring role.
Crossroads Care – Crossroads Care is Britain’s leading provider of support for carers and the people they care for. We work with over 35,000 individuals and their families, helping carers to make a life of their own outside caring. We provide the special quality of care that gives them the peace of mind to let someone else step into their shoes.

If you require a carer please fill in this form allowing them to discuss your medical care